Camfil provides a global taskforce of IAQ specialists to mitigate the risks and impacts to humans and buildings
Singapore, August 03, 2023 – (SEAPRWire) – Today, Camfil announces a global information drive to support on indoor air quality (IAQ) expertise. The aim is to share information on haze related to IAQ with knowledgeable specialists to mitigate impacts on human health and risks to buildings. Haze certainly do not respect borders, as seen from the latest wildfire event in Canada. Researchers also talk about the ‘smoke waves’ phenomenon related to wildfires, with these pollution effects to be experienced for decades to come and now a regular part of global challenges faced.

Furthermore, the smoke produced by such fires contains microscopic particles less than 2.5 microns in size, known as PM2.5 and PM1. Forest fires emit gaseous hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides that react to form ground-level ozone. These pollutants have a long-lasting impact on both air quality and health. Therefore, it is crucial to mitigate the presence of haze in our indoor environments to reduce the negative effects of wildfire smoke.
Access to know-how to address a global issue
Camfil’s global drive clarifies actionable support with specialists and information in order to create safer indoor air quality (IAQ) from wildfire air pollution. Camfil’s team of experts offers specialized knowledge to help reduce indoor air exposure to haze. For instance, during the recent wave of wildfires across Canada, the unhealthy air warnings had an impact on as many as 110 million people in the United States. Camfil’s experts can provide guidance on how to limit exposure to these hazards.
On 7 June 2023, air pollution in New York City was so severe that its air quality rating was one of the worst in the world, second only to the notorious list top, New Delhi, India, due in large part to smoke moving on the winds from Canada. It is also predicted that South East Asia could potentially experience transboundary haze once again this year, caused by regional forest fires, which arise when open burning is used to clear land for agricultural uses, according to the National Environment Agency’s (NEA) website.
Wildfires – Camfil taskforce and information support drive
Camfil provides a dedicated global task force with ongoing support, expert know-how and information to our customers and organisations about what should be done to limit pollution exposure. Given the severe impact of polluted air on human health as humans spend 90% indoors, the Camfil taskforce’s mission is clear – to provide specialist knowledge and resources to mitigate the impacts on human health.
One strategy to mitigate haze risks is to utilise a combination of carbon filtration to control odour and gaseous contaminants and high-efficiency air filters on PM2.5 particles. Reach out to the support teams to learn more about solutions and best practices.
Dedicated support specialists for all industry segments are available to support IAQ issues related to wildfires. Currently there is taskforce support in over 35 countries.
Chief Airgonomics Officer (CAO) Programme
Airgonomics Training Camfil has implemented good IAQ practices in the workplace by applying an Airgonomics approach. Our customers can connect with over 100 Airgonomics Officers in 35 Camfil locations globally to learn what has been done through practical and actionable IAQ steps, to ensure a healthy indoor air work environment. A training programme developed by specialists, Airgonomics 101, is available for individuals wanting to be the voice of clean air in the workplace – Register here to access:
About Camfil
The Camfil Group is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, and has 30 manufacturing sites, six R&D centres, local sales offices in 35+ countries, and 5,600 employees and growing. We proudly serve and support customers in a wide variety of industries and in communities across the world. To discover how Camfil can help you to protect people, processes, and the environment, visit us at
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Contact: Ivanna liu, Digital Marketing Ast. Manager
SOURCE: Camfil Group
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